Monday, May 11, 2009

Mums The Word

In honor of Mother's Day (May 10) I would like to say how grateful I am to be able to celebrate it with such a rockin mom! You know you're mom is beyond cool when she plays guitar hero! ;P They sacrifice and struggle through the baby stage of our lives, they rarely sleep or eat or watch any thing besides what doesn't make the baby cry and still have time to clean and cook and take care of the rest of the family! I think that if I could have any super power it would be 'Mom Power'! (without the kids till I'm married) ((Unless I could be invisible cause that would be cool too cause.. oh wait- Focus!)) Because it's like multitasking withOUT messing every thing up. Plus you get awesome sub powers like knowledge of where any thing is located and you have a radar of sales and coupons  to use at a distance of up to 60 miles!! If not more! "Mom where's the..." "Under the dresser by the window next to the toys to the left of the dust bunnies" And she knows that without even looking! Awesome! So, thank you to all the moms, you're kids may never know all the things you did to keep us happy, loved, and quiet but you made us into the people we are today! Also, Mother's Day is the one day of the entire year that it's okay to make your mom cry. Her tears mean that her love for you is so great it pours forth like a waterfall. So, did you make your mom cry?! ;) 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oh For The Love Of Colors!!!!

Ode to Marcadores Permanentes (that's spanish can you guess for what?! ^_^)

This wicked cool pirate ship is done with a beloved permanent marker at the Sharpie Exhibition!! ->
Alas, this is not my arm (don't worry mom) But it's totally beyond awesome! 

I wanted to have a blog dedicated to permanent markers so here it is. They bring life to the boxes and packages, signs, arms, yearbooks, walls, even cars and nails! What would we do with out them?! Washable markers just wouldn't cut it or draw it. Plus, as you can see from the first picture, Sharpies aren't just mere child's play! Graffiti, tattoo and other artists can make b-e-a-utiful and wicked art with them!!! Washable markers may be "kid friendly and mother approved", but Sharpies are long lasting-brighter than the rest-page glorifying-marker goodness! So, I ask you, this very moment, have you hugged a permanent marker today?! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

True Perceptive Reality!!!

The perception of reality is all created by our minds and the things we see. Even the things around us that are taken in by the 5 senses can either be deceiving or true. Can you really be the judge? Perceptive reality is continually all around us. Which means either the world we're living in is real or it's really fake. Thanks to Banksy ( accidentally stumbled across some true perceptive reality. With that being said, enjoy!
I think each persons perceptive reality is based solely on what they really want to 
believe is real or not. Do you see the truth or the lie? The real or the fake? The 
perception or the reality?

Monday, May 4, 2009


It's not a new realization but I've just come to the understanding that not every one will be happy with who you are. Not every one will accept you and not every one will embrace you. The world is full or those who judge and criticize. People will always see you for who you are on the outside even tho Jesus looks at what's on the inside. I don't think that Adam loved Eve because she was a "looker" I think he loved her because God made her every thing Adam ever needed in a companion. I also understand however that some people don't judge based on outward appearance and those are the people to keep in your like, they are the ones that you should fight for and believe in because they believe in you. They see past the finite and into the depths of your heart regardless of how weird or normal you look. Stereotypes are the worlds way or justifying being judgmental. I've never believed in them personally because from my own experience I know that people are who they are and not what a whole bunch of other people are. Whether its tattoos, piercings, chains, pink, trendiness or overusing the words "like" and cute. No body should be thrown into a box with a certain kind of label on it. Unless of course they're striving for similarity.. The point is that Jesus still loves you regardless of whether your a guy who shows up in a suit and tie or a girl who shows up in black clothes and heavy eye makeup. I just hope enough people out there open their eyes and hearts to the kind of love God has for each one of us and uses the power of choice to express it! So, today and every day, discipline yourself to be less judgmental and critical of those around you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Who Are You?

I'd like to think of myself as a comedian of sorts. I'm always making people laugh so I must be funny right?! I was born and raised in Colorado until I moved to Florida in August 2007. To make matters complicated, I moved  back to Colorado and that is where I reside (at least for the time being..). I've had the honor of being told I'm "weird" since kindergarden and it is with high regard that I hold such a label. Let's see here, born again Christian with an ear for abrasive (christian) music and coloring my nails with markers! I'm not sure where this blogging will take me but I'm not new to this. I'm in the middle of a transition in my life. My tangents can be on the random side so we'll see where things go. 

"Neo: I thought it wasn't real 
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real 
Neo: If you're killed in the matrix, you die here? 
Morpheus: The body cannot live without the mind "

"whoa" says Neo!