Saturday, July 11, 2009

Authenticity over Deception

With so many things to say about Michael Jackson, I only hope that after watching a video like this one, shows you a
piece of truth that the lies of the media can never compete with. The only way a lie outweighs the truth is by
ignorance of the truth itself. Please find the truth and don't be content to settle with the regurgitated lies of news and
media.. There's a truth and more importantly, a human being behind every lie, and in order to win the war against lies
we must search for, find, and repeat the truth to all who will listen! I just wish I had known the truth long ago...
Imagine how fragile your own heart is to a small insult made by perhaps some one you know or perhaps a stranger...
Now imagine that on an even larger scale..Millions of people you've never met hurling insults at you.. imagine how
that makes you feel. Don't let ignorance stand in the way of knowledge and truth.It's the only weapon we have against
cruelty and lies. The incredible talent in one person, I can't even begin to fathom it honestly! The more I find out
about the truth the more amazed I am at such a truly gifted, ....talented doesnt even begin to describe it... It's a truly
somber circumstance for such a beautiful talent. Forever missed. Forever remembered. Forever Alive in our hearts.

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